Want to drive a ton of traffic to your blog? Start publishing the how-to blog post. The how-to posts are one of the most popular post formats online.
Millions of people are looking to improve their skills. They need how-to articles, posts and guides. This blog post format has informational intent. They help build trust and authority with the target audience.
In this post, I will guide you on how to write a how-to blog post. I’ll provide you with a how-to blog post template towards the end of the post.
Here are the topics that we cover:
What is a How-To Blog Post?
The How-To blog post is a post containing informational content. It is useful for sharing your expertise in a text format. It’s one of the best blog post formats to impart knowledge and skills to your target audience.
The bulk of queries on the internet are how-to queries. So, these blog post formats have good search volume and high competition. So, these types of posts are difficult to rank.
But, this should not discourage you from writing one. Remember, even a small part of a big pie can be bigger than a small pie. You can target long-tail keywords to rank your blog post.
Read: How To Drive Massive Blog Traffic Using YouTube?
Let’s discuss the importance of How-To blog posts.
What are the Benefits of a How-To Blog Post?
The How-To blog posts are one of the best post types for your content strategy. They provide variety and blend to your content mix.
Here are the benefits of a How-To blog post:
- Higher search volumes.
- Drive massive traffic.
- Shares your knowledge and skills.
- Best for instructional topics.
- Helps you become a thought leader.
- Generate more leads.
- Higher conversions and ROI.
How To Plan a How-To Post?
Here are the steps for planning a How-To post:
Choose a Topic
The first step in planning a how-to post is choosing a topic. Focus on the topic you’re well versed with or something you are passionate about. So that you keep on creating valuable content for an extended period of time.
Don’t target broad how-to articles topics. Instead, focus on a specific sub-niche. The broad topic needs a lengthy post for in-depth coverage. If you are a writer, you can cover SEO blog post writing.
Who Is Your Target Audience?
A good How-To post breaks down a complex topic into a simple format. The format your audience finds easy to read and understand. A good understanding of your target audience helps customise the message.
Your potential audience may have diverse backgrounds. They may have different levels of skills and expertise. Taking the time to understand your audience saves you a lot of time and confusion down the line.
Regardless of how well you understand a topic. Spend a good chunk of time researching and gathering more information on your topic. Research helps you in finding the latest information and sources.
It provides depth and breadth to your knowledge. The cutting edge information, resources and stats lend credibility to your writings. In turn, it boosts your trust factor and authority on the topic.
Outline the Post
Blog post outline provides structure to your writings. Helps you organize and plan your blog post. It enables you to figure out the main points and flow of your writing. An outline helps you figure out the points requiring more research.
Start listing out what you already know about the topic. Arrange the ideas in the form of a list. Use the information you gathered in the research phase to supplement the ideas. Clean up the list and ensure that you don’t skip any point.
How To Write a How-To Blog Post?
Once the structure of your How-To post is in place. It’s now time to add muscles and meat to the blog post. Start with the first point and finish them one at a time.
Then, include the introduction and conclusion. Come up with a catchy blog title. Add the images and videos to spice up your post. Don’t forget to include the stats and some original research.
Here are the steps to write an article:
Expand the Outline
Each point conveys very less information. Add more text to illustrate your ideas. Use subheadings or bullet lists to divide each point into sub-sections. This will improve the readability of your post.
Keep your paragraphs short and succinct. It’s better to restrict the paras to 3-4 sentences. So it becomes easy for readers to scan and read the post. Nobody likes to read a wall of text.
Assemble the How-To Blog Post
After finishing the body of the How-To article. Start writing the introduction and conclusion for the blog post. Finally, come up with a good headline. These are must-have sections for the assembly of your post.
The blog introduction should give an overview of the topic. Laying down the purpose of the blog post. The purpose of your post should match the needs or interests of your target audience.
Hook the readers with a solid introduction. So that they start with the introduction and finish with the conclusion. The best way to pull your readers into reading is by showing them the benefits. You can incentivize your readers to continue reading the post.
Mention the prerequisites, knowledge or resources needed to get the most out of the post.
The blog conclusion is the best part to reinforce the main points. Remind your readers what they have learnt in the post. Conclude the blog in such a way that readers retain it long after reading the post.
End the blog conclusion with a CTA (Call-To-Action). The CTA depends on the action that you want your readers to take after reading the post. Ask them to share the post, subscribe to your emailing list. Or buy a product.
Headline or the blog post title is an important part of a blog post. Spend time coming up with a catchy blog post title. Avoid creating a link-bait style catchy headline. The headline should deliver the promise in the post body.
Include the keyword in your blog post title in a natural way. Show your readers how they are going to benefit by reading the blog post.
Add Video /Images
Images improve the user experience and spice up the blog post. The multimedia provides a break from text, improving the readability of the topic. Images make your post appear lengthy.
Use charts, graphs and videos to illustrate your point. The instructional videos are best companions to the How-To posts.
How-To Blog Post Writing Tips and Strategies
There is always room for improvement in writing. You should always look for ways to improve your writing. Keep upgrading your writing skills using tips and strategies from experienced writers.
Here are some of the How-To blog post writing tips and strategies:
Use KISS Principle
KISS stands for “Keep It Simple Stupid”. The How-To blog post is an informational post. But don’t over-explain and provide irrelevant information. It will confuse and drive away your target audience.
Use short sentences and simple words. Explain the complex concepts in a clear and efficient way. Even a layman should be able to read and follow your instructions. Make it as simple as possible for your readers.
Write in Friendly and Assertive Tone
Always write in a friendly and encouraging tone. It helps you in building trust with your audience. A friendly tone encourages the reader to overcome the fears and take action.
The assertive tone reflects confidence and authority. Write in a clear and straightforward way. This tone is useful in persuading your target audience and prompts them to take action.
Read and Revise
The purpose of good writing is to convey the message. Read the article in a loud voice to check the fluency and flow. Ask your family or friends to read the article. More than one pair of eyes helps you discover any errors or cliches.
A How-To article has a set of steps to do a task. Go through the steps to ensure that you don’t miss any steps. The reader should be able to read and replicate your steps to complete the task.
Use FAQs
A how-to article teaches your audience a skill. It has a set of specific steps that a reader takes to do the task. Despite making your best effort. You can’t cover everything related to the topic.
Use Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs to address this issue. FAQs improve the user’s experience. They help you answer the most common question around your topic. Optimize the FAQs for featured snippets.
How-To Blog Post Examples
The best way to learn is by following the examples. You see a working model of the concept you read.
Here are some how-to article examples from Startblogpro:
- How To Write A Listicle Blog Post?
- HowTo Write an Interview Blog Post?
- How To Create Blog Post Outline?
- HowTo Create a Catchy Blog Post Title?
- How To Generate Unlimited Content Ideas For a Blog?
These posts will help you in generating more how to writing ideas.
Read: Types Of Blogs That Win On Google: Most Popular Blog Included
The How-To blog posts are the most searched post format types. A well written, engaging and in-depth How-To article can drive a ton of traffic to your site. It will improve your site ROI and drive up the conversions.
Plan and write the steps you want to teach. Expand on each topic with relevant examples and illustrations. Assemble the article by putting together the introduction, conclusion and headline.
Writing a How-To blog post is not difficult. It needs some careful research, planning and execution. I hope you enjoyed reading the article.
What are your thoughts on writing a How-To blog post?
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