Welcome to my resources page. Here I share the tools and services I use to build my blogging business. The tools and resources page will help you choose the right tools for your blog, especially for new and beginner bloggers. I will update this page with new tools as I test them and add them to my arsenal.

I recommend you bookmark the tools and resources page for reference and convenience. Use the table of content to navigate to the specific tool or resource you are interested in.

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. I have a strict policy to only promote products I personally use to run my business. If you decide to purchase a subscription/tool through an affiliate link I will receive a commission at no additional cost.

Web Hosting

There are a lot of hosting providers, You should choose to host based on your business cycle. If you have just started out cheap shared hosting is sufficient for you. After your website starts earning you can move it onto a dedicated server.


BlueHost is the best beginner-friendly web hosting service. They have the best customer support system. You get a free domain along with a free SSL on signup on all plans.

SEO Tools


SEMrush is an SEO tool that helps you in keyword research, you can uncover the keyword strategy used by your competition, runs an SEO audit of your blog, find the back-linking opportunities and lots more tools.

Page Builder


Elementor makes it possible to add advanced styling, layout, and other design elements to your WordPress blog. You do not require any type of coding knowledge.