
What are SERP features? A Beginners Guide

Want to find out what are SERP features?

It is important for website owners to stay one-up in the search engine optimization (SEO) game. One way is by using SERP features. SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. The SERP features are elements that appear alongside normal organic search results.

Search engines use these features to capture the users’ attention. Thus, improve visibility and drive extra traffic to your site.

In this blog post, we explore what SERP features are. Why do we need them? And how to optimize your content for these features.

What are SERP Features?

What are SERP Features

SERP features are components you see on search engine results pages. These features appear along with the organic results. They give users quick access to relevant information within the search results. So, they don’t have to click through to a specific website.

Some of the SERP features are:

  • Featured snippets
  • Knowledge graphs
  • Local packs
  • Image packs
  • Video carousels
  • Sitelinks
  • People also ask
  • Reviews

Why are SERP Features Important?

why are serp features important

SERP features allow you to get higher rankings in search engine results. They help improve your site’s visibility and make you stand out from the crowd.

Optimizing your content for these features improves your chances of capturing user attention. In turn, drive more traffic to your website and boost conversions.

These features show information in a visible and digestible format. This results in better user engagement and satisfaction.

Featured Snippets

Featured snippets (also known as position zero) are SERP features that you see above the organic results. These snippets provide users with a summary of the information they are searching for.

screenshot of featured snippets

The summary is extracted from a webpage relevant to the query. Optimizing your content for featured snippets can position you as an authoritative source. Which results in more traffic to your website.

Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge graphs are information panels. They show up on the right side of the search results. They give an overview of a specific entity. The entity is a person, place, or organization.

screenshot of knowledge graph

By optimizing your content with structured data markup. You can increase the likelihood of appearing in knowledge graphs. Thus, boosting your brand visibility and establishing your expertise.

Local Packs

Local packs are prominent SERP features. They appear when users search for location-specific services or businesses. These packs include a map and a list of relevant local businesses. It shows their contact information and customer reviews.

screenshot of google local pack

Optimizing your website and business listings for local SEO can help you secure a spot in the local pack. It ensures maximum visibility to users searching for products or services in your area.

Image Packs

Image packs are SERP elements that showcase a collection of images. These images apply to a specific search query. Appearing in image packs can boost the visibility of your visual content. It can drive traffic to your website and increase your brand awareness.

screenshot of google image pack

To optimize for image packs, ensure that your images are properly optimized. Images should have relevant alt tags and descriptive file names.

Video Carousels

The video carousel is an interactive feature. It displays a series of videos related to a specific search query. As video content is gaining popularity. Appearing in video carousels gives a boost to your visibility and engagement.

screenshot of google video carousels

To optimize for video carousels. Create high-quality videos that align with popular search queries. Do not forget to optimize your videos for SEO.

Site Links

Site links are extra links below the main search result for a branded search query. These links direct users to specific pages within your website. They give easy access to relevant information.

Screenshot of google sitelink feature

To optimize your site for site links. You need to improve the structure and internal linking of your website. This will lead to better user navigation and enhance your website’s visibility.

People Also Ask

People Also Ask (PAA) is a dynamic SERP feature. It displays a series of related questions based on a user’s search query. You can expand each question to reveal a brief answer. These questions appear in a collapsible format.

screenshot of google people also ask feature

To optimize for PAA, address common user queries within your content. It will increase the chances of your content appearing in the People Also Ask feature. Thus, driving traffic and establishing your authority in your niche.


Reviews are a crucial aspect of online reputation management. They often influence consumer decision-making. Google displays review snippets alongside organic search results.

Screenshot of google reviews

This gives users quick insights into the quality and reputation of a business. Customer reviews enhance your brand’s trust. It attracts more customers and improves your search visibility.


For timely and relevant news topics, Google may display a dedicated news box. It shows the top news articles related to the search query.

screenshot of google newsbox feature

Ads top

These are Google Ads that appear at the top of search results pages. They appear above the non-paid search features, But below the Google Shopping results (if there are any). They show up for a competitive keyword for both paid and organic search

Ads bottom

These are Google Ads that appear at the bottom of search results pages, below the organic results


These are Shopping Ads that appear on the SERP. It showcases and sells products directly, providing users with their images and prices.

screenshot of google shopping ads feature

They show up for queries with a commercial intent

How to Optimize for SERP Features?

how to optimize for serp features

Optimizing for SERP features needs you to focus on various aspects. Some of these are

  • Content optimization
  • Structured data markup
  • Local SEO
  • Reputation management.

Steps to optimize your website for SERP features:

  • Identify the SERP features that are relevant to your business goals. Then optimize your website for them.
  • Do keyword research to find SERP feature opportunities.
  • Create high-quality and well-structured content that aligns with the user intent.
  • Make your content clear and answer the searcher’s query
  • Include text, images, and videos in your content. Format your content using bullet points and tables
  • Put the question you’re trying to rank for as a subheading on your page. Then directly answer that question in brief.
  • Decide on the search features to target. Find out how to optimize it for better click-through rates (CTR).
  • Use structured data markup. This will provide the search engines additional context about your content.
  • Submit your sitemap to Google
  • Optimize your website for local SEO to appear in local packs.
  • Encourage customer reviews and manage your online reputation.
  • Use a tool to optimize your content. Track your progress as you’re optimizing for SERP features.

By following the above steps and staying up-to-date with the SEO best practices. You can improve your chances of appearing in SERP features. so that you drive more organic traffic to your website.


Can I control which SERP features appear on my website?

You can optimize your website for appearing in specific SERP features. Finally, search engines decide which features to display based on various factors. The factors include relevance, quality, and user experience.

Are SERP features available for all types of searches?

SERP features are continuously evolving. Their availability may vary depending on your search query. Search engines provide the most relevant and informative features. They can do so on a wide range of searches.

What is the impact of SERP features on organic click-through rates?

SERP features can affect click-through rates in different ways. While some features may cause fewer clicks to organic results. Others can enhance visibility and attract more clicks. Especially if your content appears as a featured snippet or in local packs.

Can SERP features help me outrank my competitors?

SERP features offer an opportunity to stand out from your competitors. They improve your website’s visibility. By optimizing your content and website for these features. You might outrank competitors and capture more organic traffic.

Do SERP features affect mobile and desktop searches differently?

SERP features may appear differently on mobile and desktop search results. They do so because of the varying screen sizes. You should optimize your website for both mobile and desktop devices. This will ensure maximum visibility of your site across all platforms.

Is it possible to track the performance of SERP features?

Yes, you can track the performance of SERP features using various analytics platforms. You can track the following metrics.
Click-through rates
They can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your optimization efforts.


The use of the SERP features maximizes your online visibility and drives organic traffic. By understanding these features and optimizing your content for them. You position yourself as an authoritative source in your industry. This will allow you to capture the attention of search engine users.

Now that you know what are SERP features. Start optimizing for these features and watch your website rank high in the search engine rankings.

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As a founder of Startblogpro, Bhagwant Singh helps the reader to launch a blog. A blog can be started as a side hustle and converted into a full-time business. Blogging as a business can help you to leave the 9-5 grind and be your own boss.

1 thought on “What are SERP features? A Beginners Guide”

  1. SERP features, also known as Search Engine Results Page features, are elements that appear alongside organic search results on search engines. They are designed to capture users’ attention and provide quick access to relevant information without having to click through to a specific website. These features can include various components such as featured snippets, knowledge graphs, local packs, image packs, video carousels, site links, people also ask, reviews, news boxes, and ads.

    Optimizing your content for SERP features is important as it can improve your website’s visibility, drive more traffic, and enhance user engagement. Featured snippets, for example, appear above organic results and provide a summary of the information users are searching for. Knowledge graphs display information panels on the right side of the search results, giving an overview of a specific entity. Local packs are prominent for location-specific searches, showing a map and a list of relevant local businesses. Image packs showcase a collection of images related to a search query, while video carousels display a series of videos. Site links, people also ask, reviews, news boxes, ads, and shopping listings are also types of SERP features.

    To optimize your website for SERP features, you can follow several steps. These include identifying relevant features for your business goals, conducting keyword research, creating high-quality and well-structured content, using structured data markup, optimizing for local SEO, encouraging customer reviews and managing your online reputation, and monitoring the performance of your optimization efforts using analytics platforms. By understanding and leveraging SERP features, you can increase your website’s visibility and capture more organic traffic.


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